Thursday, April 12, 2012

Catch the breeze at work: Summer Dilemmas

Boys have their fears of scratching their head off in heat, after all they are boys! So, they dress up light and stay cool, yet again, the work closet doesn't sync with the need.
Here are some tips to get your closet in-sync with weather and work.

1) Keep it light.
Dress light with Tropical Light Weight Wool, Cotton or Linen, they are made to allow air-flow.The lesser known tropical weight wool is the perfect material for formal suits and pants. Go with clothing which allows maximum airflow, that is to say: no tight clothes and no loose-fitting clothes either.

2) Keep it simple.
Cut down experiments with formal wear. Go with classic light colour shirts like pink, light blue, cream with dark colour semi-formal pants. Light colours look soothing and classy on formal occasions. Prefer button down half-sleeve shirts on casual Fridays. Nothing looks more formal and presentable than tidy, well pressed clothes. Get that crisp crease and semi-formals will automatically look formal.

3) Wear Undershirts.
This is a conventional but a rather good idea, wearing a cotton undershirt or a vest proves
useful. It absorbs sweat and keeps the shirt intact.

4) Wear Suits Without Lining.
There will be occasions when you have to wear a suit or a blazer. Order yourself an un-lined or a half-lined suit. Get them Tailor-made. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why, but half the time we just forget this. Here too choose between cotton and tropical wool for the material.

Try not to be lethargic with your accessories. Giving attention to details is never a waste. Pay attention to accessories like shoes, belts, cufflinks and even socks. See to it that your belt and your shoes match and keep your shoes polished and shiny; they’ll grab more attention than your outfit. Wear Moccasins and prefer brown or tan coloured shoes and belt. Wear cotton socks, preferably white.

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