Knock and it shall be heard. And we did.
Due to immense appreciation and demand by Koovers like you’al who liked the offer so much that we had to bring a beauty of a deal the Walk in Beauty back again.
Even after the deal ended, calls came pouring in for the bargain which as per the rules was over. But nevertheless Koovs taking pride in the democratic fabric of its operating model had to bow to the affection showered by our 1000 plus fans and over a hundred thousand visitors.
The current deal includes:-
For Women: Buy 1 get 3 free manicure and threading sittings valid for 6 months = 75% off. Pay Rs. 279 for manicure and threading worth Rs. 1140.
Note:1. *Pay the token amount of Rs. 50 on the website and the balance at the Parlor.
How does it work?
1. Register yourself with your email id and a password, if you have not already registered yourself.
2. Click on the "BUY NOW" button and pay through net banking or credit card.
3. Print your Koovs ticket under "My Koovs" tab and carry it during your visit to the parlor.
So hurry up and get your koov now from www.koovs.com
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